

Frequency Asked Question

There are couple of ways:

●     Obtain tax residency on the basis of being a high net worth individual.

●     You may stay in CA for any 183 days within 12 months period;

●     Obtain tax residency on the basis of being a high net worth individual.

●     You may stay in CA for any 183 days within 12 months period;

The status of international company may be granted to a CA enterprise in any of the following cases:

a) if the enterprise has at least two years of experience in carrying out the permitted activities, on the basis of which it applies to obtain the status;

b) if the enterprise is a representative of a non-resident enterprise, which has at least two years of experience in the permitted activities.

Virtual Zone Entity (VZE) is an LLC or JSC which is registered in CA, which provides Information Technology (IT) services abroad and gets the status from CA authorities.

Under Information Technology, CA tax code defines following activities: the study, support, development, design, production, and implementation of computer information systems, as a result of which software products are obtained.

VZEs are fully exempt from Corporate Income Tax on profit that the company gets from provision of Information Technologies (services) outside of CA; They are fully exempt from VAT on provision of Information Technologies outside of CA. As a result, normally, companies pay only 5% dividend tax on the dividends distributed to the shareholder. And that’s it.

VZEs are fully exempt from Corporate Income Tax on profit that the company gets from provision of Information Technologies (services) outside of CA; They are fully exempt from VAT on provision of Information Technologies outside of CA. As a result, normally, companies pay only 5% dividend tax on the dividends distributed to the shareholder. And that’s it.

Virtual Zone Entity (VZE) is an LLC or JSC which is registered in CA, which provides Information Technology (IT) services abroad and gets the status from CA authorities.

Under Information Technology, CA tax code defines following activities: the study, support, development, design, production, and implementation of computer information systems, as a result of which software products are obtained.

There are couple of ways:

●     You may stay in CA for any 183 days within 12 months period;

●     Obtain tax residency on the basis of being a high net worth individual.

The status of international company may be granted to a CA enterprise in any of the following cases:

a) if the enterprise has at least two years of experience in carrying out the permitted activities, on the basis of which it applies to obtain the status;

b) if the enterprise is a representative of a non-resident enterprise, which has at least two years of experience in the permitted activities.

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20 Years Experience

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Criminal Law

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Sócio Fundador

Maurício Teles | OAB/RS 108.697

Presidente da Associação Brasileira de Direito Educacional, Seccional Rio Grande do Sul (ABRADE/RS).

Membro da Comissão de Educação Jurídica da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Seccional Rio Grande do Sul (CEJ-OAB/RS) e da Associação de Juristas Católicos do Rio Grande do Sul (AJC/RS).

Mestrando em Direito (UFRGS, 2022-atual), Especialista em Direito Público com ênfase em Direito Constitucional (VERBO, 2018) e Bacharel em Direito (UniRitter, 2005), com formação complementar no MBA em Controladoria e Finanças (PUCRS, 2008).

Com mais de uma década de atuação área educacional, também se dedica à docência, ministrando aulas em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação, além de preparar estudantes para concursos públicos e Exame de Ordem (OAB).

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